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SlaughteredMelon said:

Looks like Asuka was trying to kill Misato with that pillow.

Aw, come on man, why you gotta badmouth my girl Asuka like that? She was clearly just helping Misato remove her make-up so that she could enjoy a good night's rest! So helpful, really, don't mind small details like it being morning, sleep comes when it wants...

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    FRien said:

    Aw, come on man, why you gotta badmouth my girl Asuka like that? She was clearly just helping Misato remove her make-up so that she could enjoy a good night's rest! So helpful, really, don't mind small details like it being morning, sleep comes when it wants...

    I know you're probably joking, but I wrote my reasons above and tried to add some context to the situation
    Besides, that sweat on Asuka's face is suspicions... No, is not due to the heat, if that were the case, why Misato is not sweating too?


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    SlaughteredMelon said:

    I know you're probably joking

    The lack of intonation you can put on written words is really annoying. And I don't want to use [sarcasm] or emotes, but I'm sure there's a way to make it obvious when I'm being ironic, without being too obvious. Cannot run a joke for too long, after all.

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