
heart ring implications

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BUR #9020 has failed.

create implication heart_ring_top -> heart_ring
create implication heart_ring_bottom -> heart_ring
create implication heart_ring_choker -> heart_ring

Some heart ring implications, only on tags with more than 20ish posts for now.

Should heart ring also imply o-ring? If someone searches for o-ring clothes, I don't think heart-shaped ones would be outside of what they wanted.
There's already some overlap between the two, about a hundred posts tagged with both.

Shibi said:

Should heart ring also imply o-ring? If someone searches for o-ring clothes, I don't think heart-shaped ones would be outside of what they wanted.
There's already some overlap between the two, about a hundred posts tagged with both.

I think it should. A quick google tells me "heart o-ring" is a common term.