
Tag Alias: scanty -> scanty_(character)

Posted under General

Hillside_Moose said:
As far as qualifiers go, why not just "_(psg)" like the shortcut alias?

That's what I did terao_(psg) (though he only has one post). It's probably the best since it's short and already been decided on for the shortcut alias.

Log said:
Chuck is more of an action or a cut of beef.

チャック (chuck) is a Japanese word for zipper.

Wikipedia claims the etymology stems from 巾着 (kinchaku) meaning 'pouch' or 'purse'. Presumably zippers were first introduced in Japan as fasteners on such pouches and the name stuck.

As for Brief, there's some room for confusion with the existing Dr. Briefs tag for the Dragon Ball character (ブリーフ博士).

+1 for adding a qualifier for them all, though that means I have to change see-through from (jeep) to (psg)... or (p&swg). Whatever is decided. And then removing the (character) from Panty and Stocking for consistency purposes.

If it becomes too late it will be more tedious to change.

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