
Nico Nico Seiga source links

Posted under General

Images sourced from Nico Nico Seiga seem to be turning up a lot more lately. Looking at the URL's, maybe we should have a redirect like with Pixiv links? For example

the direct image link:
would redirect to:

Doesn't seem like there's any way to tell the artist from the link like with Pixiv, unfortunately. EDIT: And because of that, it's a good idea to tag the artist and add the specific http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/##### link to the artist's wiki for easy access.


EB said:
Looking at the URL's, maybe we should have a redirect like with Pixiv links?

Oh, seems like they already redirect to the proper page. I guess either it was already in place even before I suggested (in that case, I thought I checked, and sorry for bringing it up when I didn't need to @_@ ), or that was really fast...