
New tagger field update is live

Posted under General

Starting today, uploader information for posts will be slightly obscured. You can still view the uploader by going into tag history and it's implied that the first person to tag the post is also the uploader.

In its place is a tagger field which credits whoever added the most tags to a post. Moderators are still able to easily see the uploader for purposes of tracking vandalism and other administrative duties.

Historical posts (ones uploaded before today) will not be updated so this new field will only apply to posts uploaded (and old ones updated) going forward.

I know this is a potentially contentious change so I'd like to split it off into its own topic. If you have any questions or note any problems, please report them here. Thanks.

For the purposes of the tagger field, does the system look at who made the biggest single change, or who's changes were the biggest when added together?

For example, say someone uploads a post with 10 tags. I add 7 tags, it will still show them as the tagger because they did 10. Then, several months later, I see the post again and realize I could add another 5 tags. Will they still be the tagger with 10 (to my 7 and 5), or will I be the tagger with 12?

ceres said:

Will a search by tagger feature be implemented? If so, how will it be useful if the tagger name on a post keeps changing?

Adding to this, will there be added a counter on your profile of the amount of posts you have tagger status on?

If some tags get removed (indicating they were wrong), will they still be counted as a contribution by the person who added them? What if they're later restored (indicating they were right after all)? And if they're not restored, does the remover get credit for removing wrong tags?

EDIT: Also, some tags seem more important than others, for example, the character, artist, and copyright tags, as well as tags relating to the basic content of the image (what howto:tag checklist calls "Level 0" tags). Do these tags count more than filler tags like green_bow and collarbone?


Hmm, what happens if Tagger A adds, say, 10 tags and then later on another Tagger B removes 5 of those original tags and adds 8... then later on Tagger B decides that tagger A was correct and re-added the 5 tags that were removed. Would those re-added tags credit Tagger A or Tagger B?

If former, Tagger field would credit A but if latter then it would be B.

In short, does tag credit go to the first person who added that tag regardless of any shuffling or does the tag credit go to the last person, even if it was a re-added tag that was previously removed?

Hmm, I thought the "Uploader" should still be shown to pending posts and when a post gets approved it switches from Uploader to Tagger. Was this idea discarded then?

I wonder if it will discard image sniping to a good extent and what probably was the primarily goal for this. Saw some snipes that weren't rewarded with the uploader name, anymore.
Have some other qualms about this but like I said: I hope I'm wrong with them.


Hi. I'll ask regarding this effect on the 'user:' meta tag for searching. I'm looking for the original uploader and in case he uploaded more on that particular date.

Using post #994779 as an example:

Current Tagger: desides
Date: date:2011-09-13
1st Tagger on post history: Table

user:Table date:2011-09-13
user:desides date:2011-09-13

Both got 0 result. What is the correct search?

EDIT: I think I can offer an explanation myself. The correct search should be user:KeybladeMaster date:2011-09-13, post history (the hh:mm values) are not in chronological order. How is that?


albert said:
Historical posts (ones uploaded before today) will not be updated so this new field will only apply to posts uploaded (and old ones updated) going forward.

Thank you for this.

Provence said:

post #397568
Regarding this post and this statement:

Does it now apply to old posts?

It means that only the old posts that have their tag list updated going forward will have their tagger updated. All the others will stay as they are.

nonamethanks said:

It means that only the old posts that have their tag list updated going forward will have their tagger updated. All the others will stay as they are.

Just in case there's still someone who doesn't understand (as I also didn't immediatelly understand Albert's wording), it means that old posts will only have a tagger field if someone edits them today or after.

Danbooru will check the entire post history so whoever added the most tags throughout the lifetime of a post will get credit.

Searches (for now) haven't been touched.

If someone removes a tag but later it gets added back, whoever added the tag first gets credit. If someone removes a tag and it's never restored, then it's not counted.

albert said:

Danbooru will check the entire post history so whoever added the most tags throughout the lifetime of a post will get credit.

Searches (for now) haven't been touched.

If someone removes a tag but later it gets added back, whoever added the tag first gets credit. If someone removes a tag and it's never restored, then it's not counted.

I'd make it like that:
One active tag removal should count as one active tag add.
Or are tag removals already counted towards the "Tagger" status? It's a bit unclear to be honest.

How can I opt out of having my name against images that I don't want it to be against? I'm quite happy to have my name by no images whatsoever if that's what it takes.

nonamethanks said:

Thank you for this.

It doesn't really do anything - all it takes is 1 person updating the image in any way and it'll display your name on it.

note to self

Note to self in case I want to refer to it in future - example: post #3034465


Why should you be able to opt out? Because I can list many reasons why you shouldn't:

  • There's never been any expectation of privacy regarding tagging activity, or any site activity. The signup page makes it very clear that everything you do is public.
  • It creates a false sense of privacy. You can easily skim the tag history to see who the top tagger is.
  • 95% of the time the tagger and the uploader are the same person. This would effectively make whether the uploader is hidden the choice of the uploader themselves.
  • It can be useful to know the tagger for moderation purposes, the same way it's useful to know the uploader.
  • If the Tagger field is completely absent it will confuse people. Why do some posts have a Tagger field and some don't? Many people wouldn't understand why.
  • If the Tagger field says "Tagger: hidden" or something, it'll just make people more curious and they'll check the tag history to see why the tagger is hidden. I know I would definitely check on posts with a hidden tagger.
  • Finally, I don't see that big of a deal in having your name on a post you don't personally approve of. Tagging a post isn't an endorsement of the post.
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