
Unable to remove favorites from banned artists.

Posted under Bugs & Features

I am unable to view the posts page and remove the favorites from items from banned artists to clear them out of my favorites list count on my profile. Maybe this is OCD of me, but it probably bothers more than just me. Especially now that I am publicly pointing it out.

Is it possible to enable this function somehow, or to automatically remove them from favorites when they get banned?

Regardless, please clear my favorites. I've already removed all of my other favorites when I saw the favorite count on my profile didn't match the number shown when viewing my favorites to help identify the discrepancy.

CurePikachu said:

I just used the script from forum #214330

This is a separate issue. Posts from banned artists cannot be accessed at all. I already tried submitting a post to the relevant endpoint to unfavorite these posts directly. The response is a 404 not found and the favorite remains. Running this script you posted to clear all favorites clears everything except posts from banned artists.

Following the chain of posts from the one you linked to the original that was intended to delete favorites from banned artists instead of hidden content, it worked.

For anyone else having this issue, this one worked for me.

forum #177214

Thank you for the assistance.

klsdhfli said:

This is a separate issue. Posts from banned artists cannot be accessed at all. I already tried submitting a post to the relevant endpoint to unfavorite these posts directly. The response is a 404 not found and the favorite remains. Running this script you posted to clear all favorites clears everything except posts from banned artists.

Really? It works even on posts by banned artists for my case, well as long as they are inaccessible to my account that is, which is what all of them are now.