
tail_hug implications

Posted under Tags

evazion said:

According to the wiki definition, hugging own tail/hugging another's tail don't count as tail hugs because tail hug is supposed to be for "tail hugging person", not "person hugging tail". But that's not how it's actually used, the majority of tail hug is "person hugging tail". So tail hug should probably be aliased to hugging tail and hugging with tail created to distinguish these two actions.

The wiki does say "a character is hugging, or being hugged by a tail or tails", so they should count. But I'm okay with splitting the tag.

The_Bob said:

The wiki does say "a character is hugging, or being hugged by a tail or tails", so they should count. But I'm okay with splitting the tag.

We should really move away from tags that can mean 2 different things, they always turn into a mess that needs to be split and deprecated anyway