
alias shouting -> screaming

Posted under Tags

BUR #15321 has been rejected.

create alias shouting -> screaming

Following on the discussion in topic #23306, but a new thread so you don't have to scroll through all that to vote.

I think these are basically the same action and should share a tag. Conversation can continue in this thread.

In the real world, shouting is usually intelligible speech at elevated volume while screaming is typically unintelligible. Shouting is also associated with anger or simply trying to be heard at a distance or over noise, while screaming is associated with pain and terror.

Arguments don't devolve into screaming matches and Ghostface doesn't make people Shout.

For our purposes however, is that distinction worthwhile to maintain? I'm not sure.

Arcana55 said:

In the real world, shouting is usually intelligible speech at elevated volume while screaming is typically unintelligible. Shouting is also associated with anger or simply trying to be heard at a distance or over noise, while screaming is associated with pain and terror.

Arguments don't devolve into screaming matches and Ghostface doesn't make people Shout.

For our purposes however, is that distinction worthwhile to maintain? I'm not sure.

I was willing to roll with that distinction if it was the reason those two tags were separated in the first place, but since it doesn't seem like it was, no point in trying to make it so right now, and judging from what has been said in the previous topic, it wouldn't even work because we can't agree on this distinction even being real or not