
Element Magic / Manipulation / Bending discussion

Posted under General

The goal of this thread is to increase the discoverability of general element manipulation tags (aerokinesis, geokinesis, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis etc) that are heavily underused considering their abundance in Anime and other media.

While I think the current "magic" aliases are good, I feel like they're not enough.
"Magic" is not always the right word people think of, especially in the context of different popular series titles like Avatar, Naruto, etc that all have their own names for it.
So instead of creating very specific tags for each series' magic/superpower system, I think we can just make these tags more easily discoverable with aliases/renames instead.

Looking at Google results, water manipulation or water magic have a ton more results than a word like hydrokinesis, so my suggestion would be to simply add another "element_manipulation" alias to these tags to increase discoverability.
If anyone has any better ideas in the context of Danbooru that could in theory cause less mistags then please feel free to suggest them below.

There's also the tag element bending, which either needs to be deprecated or implied to all the above element powers.

BUR #16407 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias wind_manipulation -> aerokinesis
create alias fire_manipulation -> pyrokinesis
create alias water_manipulation -> hydrokinesis
create alias earth_manipulation -> geokinesis

In similar vein to the recent topic #23747, this BUR is just a test to see if this idea is well received or not.
Feedback more than just votes would be appreciated.

BUR #17082 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias plant_magic -> florakinesis
create alias dark_magic -> umbrakinesis
create alias light_magic -> photokinesis
create alias earth_magic -> geokinesis

Tags missing the magic alias. Separated the BUR because it's a bit different but ultimately all for discoverability all the same.
I'm not sure if it would be correct to include electrokinesis and telekinesis in here, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Admiral_Pectoral said:

I didn't know what to do about ergokinesis.

Ergokinesis is literally just "energy manipulation" and was made by a user who populated it exclusively on pictures of Cirno. wow remember when touhou was the cause of all our weird tag issues instead of gacha and vtubers

It can probably be manually nuked without worry, especially since it doesn't even have a wiki.