I just noticed we had a tag looking_over_shoulder which should be aliased or implicated to looking_back. The former is more specific, but the the latter is what we have been using for that pose for a long time now.
Posted under General
I just noticed we had a tag looking_over_shoulder which should be aliased or implicated to looking_back. The former is more specific, but the the latter is what we have been using for that pose for a long time now.
Looking_over_shoulder only has 37 posts, that's fixed easily enough.
Or, it would be if that tag actually belonged to all 37...
I guess this has been taken care of? looking_over_shoulder is empty now.
Yeah I could have moved them across myself, but I was thinking an alias would help prevent it from building in the future. looking_over_shoulder is a plausible name for the pose anyway. But if it's done and we're happy with that, that's good too.
create alias looking_over_shoulder -> looking_back
reason: prevents re-population. i was thinking of bumping topic #10141 which aliased turning to looking_back already. no need to be too specific i guess.
ghostrigger said:
create alias looking_over_shoulder -> looking_back
reason: prevents re-population. i was thinking of bumping topic #10141 which aliased turning to looking_back already. no need to be too specific i guess.
works for me
ghostrigger said:
create alias looking_over_shoulder -> looking_back
reason: prevents re-population. i was thinking of bumping topic #10141 which aliased turning to looking_back already. no need to be too specific i guess.