
Useless Headwear Tag Nukes

Posted under Tags

BUR #28646 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update black_baseball_cap -baseball_cap -> black_hat baseball_cap
mass update blue_baseball_cap -baseball_cap -> blue_hat baseball_cap
mass update pink_baseball_cap -baseball_cap -> pink_hat baseball_cap
mass update white_baseball_cap -baseball_cap -> white_hat baseball_cap
nuke black_baseball_cap
nuke blue_baseball_cap
nuke pink_baseball_cap
nuke white_baseball_cap
deprecate black_baseball_cap
deprecate blue_baseball_cap
deprecate pink_baseball_cap
deprecate white_baseball_cap

So as we all know, the headwear tags are currently a huge fucking mess right now. And due to the lack of guidelines on what should and shouldn't just go under "x hat", this thread will be my effort to resolve that.

The main idea here, basically, is this: any hat tag that currently implicates hat should go into "x hat" and not get its own tag. We're starting with baseball caps because they irritate me quite a bit. Let's see how this goes.

Fully agree with this approach we don't need this level of granularity, perhaps instead of deprecation you could alias them to the correct hat color instead, or would that be too much of a mess?

I'd add beanies as well as I've noticed the creation of tags like white beanie.

zetsubousensei said:

Fully agree with this approach we don't need this level of granularity, perhaps instead of deprecation you could alias them to the correct hat color instead, or would that be too much of a mess?

Main issue here with the alias approach is that I'm worried about it fucking with the autocomplete. But if alias are preferred over nukes + deprecations, we can go with that instead. As long as these tags get dealt with, I feel.

I'd add beanies as well as I've noticed the creation of tags like white beanie.

Oh we're just getting started.

BUR #28647 has been rejected.

create alias red_baseball_cap -> red_hat
create alias white_baseball_cap -> white_hat
create alias black_baseball_cap -> black_hat
create alias yellow_baseball_cap -> yellow_hat
create alias orange_baseball_cap -> orange_hat
create alias green_baseball_cap -> green_hat
create alias grey_baseball_cap -> grey_hat
create alias blue_baseball_cap -> blue_hat
create alias pink_baseball_cap -> pink_hat
create alias purple_baseball_cap -> purple_hat
create alias brown_baseball_cap -> brown_hat

Valid point on autocomplete, though I guess options never hurt anybody. As long as the tags are killed somehow I don't care.

BUR #28648 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


mass update black_beanie -beanie -> black_hat beanie
mass update blue_beanie -beanie -> blue_hat beanie
mass update green_beanie -beanie -> green_hat beanie
mass update grey_beanie -beanie -> grey_hat beanie
mass update orange_beanie -beanie -> orange_hat beanie
mass update red_beanie -beanie -> red_hat beanie
mass update pink_beanie -beanie -> pink_hat beanie
mass update white_beanie -beanie -> white_hat beanie
mass update yellow_beanie -beanie -> yellow_hat beanie
nuke black_beanie
nuke blue_beanie
nuke green_beanie
nuke grey_beanie
nuke orange_beanie
nuke red_beanie
nuke pink_beanie
nuke white_beanie
nuke yellow_beanie
deprecate black_beanie
deprecate blue_beanie
deprecate green_beanie
deprecate grey_beanie
deprecate orange_beanie
deprecate red_beanie
deprecate pink_beanie
deprecate white_beanie
deprecate yellow_beanie

Alright, I checked the beanie tag to see how many there are, and dear lord that's a lot of color tags we don't need. So I figured I'd add this here too.

Gonna go down the line and request nukes + deprecations for as many of these as I find. Though really, my main goal here is proper guidelines on what does and doesn't get its own set of color tags. These sure as hell don't, in my opinion.

zetsubousensei said:

Valid point on autocomplete, though I guess options never hurt anybody. As long as the tags are killed somehow I don't care.

True to that. For all I know, aliasing might be the better option. There's only one way to find out.

BUR #28649 has been rejected.

create alias aqua_beanie -> aqua_hat
create alias black_beanie -> black_hat
create alias blue_beanie -> blue_hat
create alias brown_beanie -> brown_hat
create alias green_beanie -> green_hat
create alias grey_beanie -> grey_hat
create alias orange_beanie -> orange_hat
create alias red_beanie -> red_hat
create alias pink_beanie -> pink_hat
create alias white_beanie -> white_hat
create alias yellow_beanie -> yellow_hat

Alias option for beanies if preferred.

BUR #28650 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update purple_witch_hat -witch_hat -> purple_hat witch_hat
nuke purple_witch_hat
deprecate purple_witch_hat

Okay, I told myself I'd stop after the initial two BURs to act as proof of concept, but I found purple witch hat and died a little inside. So I'm just gonna throw it in too, if for no other reason than my own pettiness.

BUR #29048 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

mass update black_beret -> black_hat beret
mass update blue_beret -> blue_hat beret
mass update brown_beret -> brown_hat beret
mass update grey_beret -> grey_hat beret
mass update pink_beret -> pink_hat beret
mass update red_beret -> red_hat beret
mass update white_beret -> white_hat beret
nuke black_beret
nuke blue_beret
nuke brown_beret
nuke grey_beret
nuke pink_beret
nuke red_beret
nuke white_beret
deprecate black_beret
deprecate blue_beret
deprecate brown_beret
deprecate grey_beret
deprecate pink_beret
deprecate red_beret
deprecate white_beret

More useless headwear tags, this time with berets. Nipping this one in the bud before they can get too populated, going by the fact most of these had wiki pages beforehand.