Aliasing epic_nosebleed -> nosebleed.
Reason: I'm not recommending an alias as such; I just wasn't sure how else to do this. Tagging an image with epic_nosebleed should cause the nosebleed tag to be added automatically.
Updated by jxh2154
Posted under General
Aliasing epic_nosebleed -> nosebleed.
Reason: I'm not recommending an alias as such; I just wasn't sure how else to do this. Tagging an image with epic_nosebleed should cause the nosebleed tag to be added automatically.
Updated by jxh2154
Hellbus said:
Aliasing epic_nosebleed -> nosebleed.Reason: I'm not recommending an alias as such; I just wasn't sure how else to do this. Tagging an image with epic_nosebleed should cause the nosebleed tag to be added automatically.
You... know there IS A BIG difference between a nosebleed and a epic one?