What it says in the title. Basically, the DA thread has gotten fairly clunky, and it's not all that intuitive for the general user to utilize.
I think that perhaps the appeal process should be merged into the UI somehow, much like the flagging process.
Any user may appeal a deleted image, not merely its original uploader. This is already true. I think, however, that it would help to have a "This image is currently being appealed/has been appealed by (user). Reason: '(reason)'" banner at the top of any such image, so as to let users know when a post has already been sent in for appeal. Once an image has been appealed once, it shouldn't be eligible for a second one.
However, I think users are likely also not considering all that carefully which images they upload. So, to minimize the load and discourage users from uploading with the thought "oh well, I'll just get it through in the DA thread", make it so that use of the appeal function would take up one upload slot. For the uploader, this would be a sort of double-or-nothing wager on getting it passed; for anyone else, it's chipping in one of their uploading credits in the hopes of seeing something they liked getting accepted.
Anyone who has any thoughts, for, against, or alternative suggestions, please jump in.
Updated by ShadowbladeEdge