
Artist removal: littleshrimp

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Riako said:
It's great that email worked. You guys should put it in a more accessible place for other artists who want their work down.

What would you suggest? There's already an email link on the front page, and the ToS explains the site's policy pretty well.

Did he ask for the links to his websites to be removed from his artist entry as well? Because that will screw up the artist autodetection if someone tries to upload his stuff in the future.

Why you would out yourself as littleshrimp is beyond me.

The email isn't hidden and the many artists who have sent takedown requests have had no problem finding it, you must have really been overthinking it if you struggled.

Log said:
Why you would out yourself as littleshrimp is beyond me.

The email isn't hidden and the many artists who have sent takedown requests have had no problem finding it, you must have really been overthinking it if you struggled.

I'm not littleshrimp, I'm his friend.

I saw it, I knew it, but it wasn't obvious that it was connected. Maybe I'm just dumb, it does happen.

Too bad, really. His fanart was fun, in a quirky sort of way.
Not sure I buy into that whole "attacking the victim" angle, since I never saw such a thing occurring here, but whatever. He's made his call, and I'm not going to fight about it or anything.

33 minutes ago

12 replies

Oy vey.

Can we just go ahead and preemptively lock this thread? Everything relevant to Danbooru has already been cleared up, the only direction this topic has to go is down, and if the comment sections of littleshrimp's posts are any indication, it will be heading there shortly.

sgcdonmai said:
Too bad, really. His fanart was fun, in a quirky sort of way.
Not sure I buy into that whole "attacking the victim" angle, since I never saw such a thing occurring here, but whatever. He's made his call, and I'm not going to fight about it or anything.

Same, I enjoyed his art too.

I've seen him post links to comments of people attacking him (he tweets about it), or IMs he gets, he'll sometimes post logs to it, and I'm sure everyone knows about the whole /jp/ deal that was going on against him.

Maybe the stress just got to him? I don't know.