
Tag question: Houjuu Nue

Posted under General

Here's something I'm curious about.

The Touhou character Houjuu Nue is constantly tagged with the tag asymmetrical wings. But I know that they aren't. Half of the things on her back are wings. Half of them are tails. So I'm wondering if it's just getting tagged because people don't know, or because they somehow look likes wings to some people?

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm honestly curious. It bothers me that that tag is there on images of Nue and I just want to get this straightened out.

Nue info to show what I'm talking about: http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Nue

Updated by sgcdonmai

They are indeed coming out of her upper back. Both the wings and tails are. I was really just wondering if anyone else, like yourself, had initially mistaken them for wings, I suppose. That would kind of negate my whole question because I know the rule is "tag what you see".

If the majority sees wings, they shall be tagged as wings.

To be fair, Nue and a lesser extent Flandre's wings aren't actual wings in the sense of the word. They're seem more like vestigial appendages to me. The reason why many still tag them as such is because for Danbooru's point of view they're wings.

BTW, Where did the editor of that wiki page got that information from? It seem rather out of the blue to me.

They do seem more like add-ons that are just called wings. Like, Remilia has wings. Flandre has...sticks with Christmas lights.

I'm not sure. Maybe ZUN said it somewhere? That's really the only thing I could think of because if a fan just wrote what they thought Nue looked like, they'd probably put that they were all wings, don't you think? Kind of like this situation we have here.

Well that's your opinion. I have a problem with wanting things to be uniform and correct. It might not bother you, but it bothers me and I want to see it either corrected or a sound reason as to why we can't correct it.

DoubleT said:
Did you see the link I posted in the first post? It goes to a page describing Nue's appearance. The blue things are tails. The red ones are wings.

The only place I see that written on that page is in the "Description" section of the header, which is written by fans and not necessarily canon. Given that her profile doesn't say anything on the topic, I'm not convinced that the "fact" that they're tails isn't just something someone made up.

Like I said before, if everyone is so itching to say they are wings and not tails, then why would the writer have put 'tails'? Why wouldn't someone else have brought this up before saying "They look like wings to me, I don't like that you wrote tails there"? I frequent some other forums with some Touhou discussion and not once have I seen anyone mentioning this.

@Fencedude: I know what the rules are. I even stated that same rule before. The statement I'm making is not "This tag is wrong! We must change it!" but rather I'm asking the question "This doesn't seem right... What do you all think?". I want to know if everyone else sees them as wings. That would make the tag valid and I'd be fine with that. But it seems I'm not the only one who seems them otherwise and now I want to see what the ruling is on something that multiple people see differently.

Fine fine. Just wanted to know what everyone thought on the matter. What I'm trying to say is, not everyone sees wings so I don't see why we tag them as such. Just because they come out of the back doesn't automatically mean so. I figured we could have a discussion and see if everyone was dead set on it being like it is. But I see everyone is, so never mind.

DoubleT said:
Like I said before, if everyone is so itching to say they are wings and not tails, then why would the writer have put 'tails'?

Because he/she/it was mistaken? It's more likely than you think.

DoubleT said:
Why wouldn't someone else have brought this up before saying "They look like wings to me, I don't like that you wrote tails there"?

Because nobody actually reads the character descriptions on Touhou Wiki, given that the paragraph of text is less suited to conveying visual information than the picture that is right next to it.

Just in case, though, I checked some Japanese sources, and the one I found with a physical description calls them wings (specifically, 赤い羽 and 青い羽, so definitely both sets). If there was any canon source indicating that they were tails, it would have shown up, and it didn't, so they're not.

DoubleT said:
Fine fine. Just wanted to know what everyone thought on the matter. What I'm trying to say is, not everyone sees wings so I don't see why we tag them as such. Just because they come out of the back doesn't automatically mean so. I figured we could have a discussion and see if everyone was dead set on it being like it is. But I see everyone is, so never mind.

We're not dead set on it, and it's good that you bring up confusion in tagging issue to discuss.

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