what if there's a spill but no spilling in sight?
Posted under General
that's not necessarily correct either. Something could be in the act of spilling, and the fluid not yet hitting the ground (e.g. post #905271). Generally "spill" as a noun refers to a completed and static product of "spilling" happening.
Shinjidude said:
that's not necessarily correct either. Something could be in the act of spilling, and the fluid not yet hitting the ground (e.g. post #905271). Generally "spill" as a noun refers to a completed and static product of "spilling" happening.
That really depends on how we define the spill tag though, as "spill" can be used to refer to both the action and the mess.
NWF_Renim said:
That really depends on how we define the spill tag though, as "spill" can be used to refer to both the action and the mess.
I think what he's saying is, if we define spill as both then we don't need both tags. If we leave them separate, with one exclusively meaning the action and one meaning the puddle, then we don't need to implicate.
Unless you're saying spill means both but spilling is a special subset of spill we apply additionally where relevant?