
Policy check: Etsy

Posted under General

Ah right, I just remembered why I came to the forum yesterday-- I was tooling about the internet when I stumbled into http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.196262316.jpg
I was going to post it, but I wanted to check first:
Would it not be wise to do as we do with Pixiv and link to the landing page of the image (http://www.etsy.com/listing/62828233/gundam-girls) rather than the actual file? Seems like the polite thing to do. I'm only hesitant because there is not a single other Etsy-sourced piece of art on this site thus far so I figure it best to establish precedent that's as "right" as it is "correct".

Updated by Shinjidude

The Pixiv landing page thing is actually an exception built into Danbooru due to the sheer number of Pixiv posts we get and the fact that the file URL won't get you to the landing page easily (but is essential for "find artist" to work). Internally, the source is still stored as the image's URL itself.

A similar situation to what you describe came up in forum #62605 with twitpic. It looks like the general consensus was that it might be good for Albert to consider adding a second source field for indirect landing pages. In the meantime, after upload, it is a good idea to change the URL if it would make functions like the "find artist" work. In this case it looks like both URLS are useless for determining artist.

I guess though with all other things being equal, and with the fact that we already support changing the source to an indirect link (deviantart), it probably wouldn't hurt to use it in this case as well. It's probably more useful to Danbooru users, and as you say better on behalf of the artist.

If the direct image link provides no unique, identifying information whatsoever from which a given artist can be traced back, Find Artist becomes meaningless as well. In this case, it may be acceptable to use a different link.

jxh2154 said:
If the direct image link provides no unique, identifying information whatsoever from which a given artist can be traced back, Find Artist becomes meaningless as well. In this case, it may be acceptable to use a different link.

How does the find artist function work for non-Pixiv posts? Non-Pixiv images, from which the artist's site/blog/etc cannot be accessed easily, might be better off with linking the post/web page/etc where the image is posted then.

Find artist works by comparing URL prefixes with known artist's pages.

So for most websites, the images will be hosted under a domain, or at least a domain path common to everything in that artist's site.

It's only with shared systems where all images are hosted in common without a prefix that indicates the artist that problems occur.