
Moving from one image ot the next?

Posted under General

There's Next and Previous under related posts, but those are just the next and previously uploaded, which is very rarely useful. I am assuming lightremix wants to browse next and previously uploaded of the tag or group of tags they're searching. That would be awesome, but is unfortunately not a feature of Danbooru (but maybe Danbooru 2 will have it?).

My advice is to open each individual image in a new tab and then closing it when you're done looking at it, so that your search result tab will stay open. This gives a fairly similar feeling, and that's how I often browse my search results.

piespy said:
There is usually no simple definition of "next". Except in a pool, there you just click the ">>" link.

In a pool you can also press the right arrow key, although this sometimes backfires if the image is in multiple pools.