Implicating hong meiling (panda) -> hong meiling.
Reason: Character variation.
Updated by user 11314
Posted under General
Implicating hong meiling (panda) -> hong meiling.
Reason: Character variation.
Updated by user 11314
Actually, just realised why you CAN'T implicate this.
There are the tribble-like HML pandakids, who are NOT Hong Meiling, e.g. post #878053.
Tagging here would be erroneous.
Tagging these hong_meiling_(panda) in the first place is erroneous.
S1eth said:
Tagging these hong_meiling_(panda) in the first place is erroneous.
True, but as per its wiki:
"Also her Tribble-like kids (although how that works is a mystery)."
So we're using the tag for convenience's sake.
You're quoting yourself, which kinda negates your point.
Wikis can be changed.