As you may be aware, Soga_no_Tojiki's "やってやんよ!" is quickly becoming a popular meme.
(If you don't, Tojiko says nothing when she's the mid-boss in stage 5 of Ten Desires, but "やってやんよ!" is one of the things she does say when she is summoned by Toyosatomimi_no_Miko in stage 6. Because of how peculiar "やってやんよ!" is, and the fact that it's one of the few things she really says, it's become quite a meme regarding Tojiko.)
Now, as we have an is_that_so tag for Rumia, I suggest we have one for "やってやんよ!" as well. One problem I can see, however, is that there seems to be no common translation for "やってやんよ!" as of now.
Updated by Rampardos