
Where did my Cool_Photos pool go?

Posted under General

It was deleted because Danbooru does not keep pools merely to list the favorite images of one person. Apparently they are considered flood or clutter.

Since you already use the "Add to favorites" function for your favorite images, you may simply continue using it.

Please study the pools listed at pool groups, which is our big list of pools. See also forum #12295, the "Pointless Pools" thread and note the reasons people use when requesting the deletion of a pool.

The themed pools are for somewhat subjective concepts like "Badass" or "Feminine" or "Clever" or "Harsh", which are untaggable because tags basically are expected to be as objective as possible. (If the pool is too subjective, like "The Best Photos", it may be deemed unworthy nonetheless.)

A number of oher pools are just to keep together pages of a single doujinshi/album/series, often in the right order of pages.