This seems to be a pretty stylized way of holding knives, it reminds me a lot of wolverine in terms of how it looks, is there a technical or japanese term for holding knives in this way?
Updated by Danielx21
Posted under General
This seems to be a pretty stylized way of holding knives, it reminds me a lot of wolverine in terms of how it looks, is there a technical or japanese term for holding knives in this way?
Updated by Danielx21
knife + between fingers
That's the best I can think of.
Since you're bringing this topic up, Kunais & Type-moon's Black Keys are also treated like this.
Do we need multiple wielding somehow?
It's a pretty common way to hold throwing knives. A quick knives between_fingers shows good results. So it is common, but it's also found pretty readily with those tags.
If knives between_fingers is enough to find the posts in question, and has only 3 pages, I suppose we actually don't need the new tag suggested here.
However, relatedly, this needle (post #873317) and this fan (post #796065) are being held between the index finger and the thumb, too.
So, maybe between index finger and thumb as a more comprehensive tag, (for any objects, not only knives) can be considered.
I have a feeling it's only three pages because between fingers is under-tagged.
Also, between fingers is already for any object, not just knives.
Solution: populate between fingers, starting with Sakuya...
Kikimaru said:
Solution: populate between fingers, starting with Sakuya...
To do that, you'd search for izayoi_sakuya knife -between_fingers, I guess.
(because both izayoi_sakuya and knife apparently are sufficently well-tagged, even though between_fingers is not)
Good luck.
Danielx21 said:
...However, relatedly, this needle (post #873317) and this fan (post #796065) are being held between the index finger and the thumb, too.
OP is referring to the three knives held in the left hand (from character's POV), not the single one held in the right.
Anelaid said:
post #1061233This seems to be a pretty stylized way of holding knives, it reminds me a lot of wolverine in terms of how it looks, is there a technical or japanese term for holding knives in this way?
Anelaid said:
post #1061233This seems to be a pretty stylized way of holding knives, it reminds me a lot of wolverine in terms of how it looks, is there a technical or japanese term for holding knives in this way?
The different ways knives are being held in post #1017321 and post #1045515 are equally interesting to me.
So, I'd prefer just populating between fingers satisfactorily, instead of creating something more specific like wolverine knives. (EDIT: But I wouldn't fight against the new Wolverine tag; I just see no need for it.)
(I helped a little: the search knives between_fingers returns 10 pages now, even though it says eight)