
regarding artist ban request

Posted under General

now that the disclaimer is finished, i linked her and got a reply

Rebeccareberebe said:
I see...hmm, if that's the case then it's fine not to delete them. But i wonder what i should do if i don't want the name tag attached with pixiv ID(・ω・`)

Cyberia-Mix said:
If you can explain her that qualifiers are needed to disambiguate artists with the same names, perhaps would she enjoy choosing hers?

artists can choose/change their name tag? wont that

Fred1515 said:
mess with people's subscriptions

and give a draft, not really understand how danbooru works

Pyrolight said:
That's rather depressing when you think about it.

but to most artists its true


They were discussing the difference between manually changing the tag and creating an alias. Manually changing it means using a script (or a lot of finger musclework) to go to every post, remove the old tag, and add the new one. An Alias basically links the two tags together, kinda like a redirect on Wikipedia, I suppose. The difference being the former empties the tag and completely removes it from the database, whereas the latter empties the tag but links it to the new one so that whenever the old tag is entered, it swaps to the new one.

Personally, I never knew that worked for subscriptions.

Anonymity said:
artists can choose/change their name tag? wont that [mess with people's subscriptions]

The point is to alias the current tag to the one she'd choose like OOZ662 described, as aliases preserve subscriptions.

And no, artists usually don't get their say in their tag's name because generally we can't even communicate with them to begin with.
But you did, she's okay to have her works on danbooru, and she explicitely expressed she'd rather we don't use her pixiv id as part of her name. Since we have nothing else, henmere suggested we use her twitter id instead, which to her eyes might not be much better.
This time we have the chance to let the artist choose herself, which in itself is pretty awesome, so why not?

And it doesn't even have to be in the rebecca_(qualifier) format as long as it's not rebecca alone.

They way it was phrased made it sound to me like she wanted to be anonymous and not have her name on the site, but that's probably not the case.

I don't see why we shouldn't respect an artist's request to be tagged by what they want to be known by (or not tag them by what they do not want to be known as). Especially given that we can do it without any technical hitches. Though, obviously as long as it doesn't overlap with another artist/character/tag and the artist is aware of this when they ask.

The only place aliased tags show up is on the wiki pages of the alias target, which is only very slightly less discreet than pixiv showing them in the artist's image URLs. Also, she said she didn't want it displayed 'quite so publicly' (あんまりおおっぴらに), so I don't think the implication is that it's meant to be some sort of secret which we cannot allow anywhere on the site.

I've gone ahead and submitted the relevant alias.

Anonymity said:
as for alias...are old tags gone after applied?

They are being replaced with another, so they are not showed in public, but not entirely gone either. The search for the aliased tag still works, but it shows the results like the alias was used instead.
Example: Let's take a sake_dish tag. Since it's aliased to sakazuki, it shows the results as sakazuki.

edit: Ah so perfectly ninja'd.

still havent asked her because i dont have enough accurate information to write a draft(said this earlier?) and translate it. the only thing i know exactly is that qualifier is needed to disambiguate artists with the same names, not other stuffs like whether she have free choice of a new tag name, any restrictions, and how it will applied, etc

Anonymity said:
still havent asked her because i dont have enough accurate information to write a draft(said this earlier?) and translate it. the only thing i know exactly is that qualifier is needed to disambiguate artists with the same names, not other stuffs like whether she have free choice of a new tag name, any restrictions, and how it will applied, etc

To keep things simple, any of these:

or default case rebecca_(*)

where * is either english/romaji/numbers.
Remember underscores equal blank spaces.

Random examples: reberebecca, akai_rebecca, neko-rebecca, rebeccaaaa, rebecca1990, rebecca_rebecca, rebecca_sukusuku, rebecca-tan...

That said if you simply tell her to pick anything she wants I doubt she'd spontaneously come up with something we couldn't use.


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