To distinguish these tags from the "real" tags of print: bear_print, cat_print, frog_print, etc. (whose meaning basically is: a "bear" drawn on clothes, a "cat" drawn on clothes, etc; probably they can be drawn on objects too, I'm not sure)
I believe tiger_print, for example, should be for tigers drawn on clothes, too, (post #600220, post #808119) but now it means something else.
The new names are merely suggestions. I'd accept any other good name.
Tag moves:
- paw_print -> paw_mark
- "the mark a paw makes when moist with ink and pressed on the ground"
- floral_print -> flower_(symbol) (compare: star/star_(sky) and heart/heart_(organ))
- "symbolic bidimensional patterns based on real-life flowers"
- cow_print -> cow_pattern
- "the black/white pattern of spots found in cow fur"
- tiger_print -> tiger_pattern
- "the black/orange pattern of stripes found in tiger fur"
- leopard_print -> leopard_pattern
- "the black/orange pattern of spots found in leopard fur"
- piano_print -> piano_pattern
- "the black/white pattern of keys of a piano"
These meanings between "" were typed by me, based on the contents of each tag.
Updated by Shinjidude