I have wanted the ability to search the comment page by tag really bad ever since I found this site. I'm hopeful that one day it will be implemented. However, I understand that it would be difficult to do well and that there are other pressing issues to attend to first.
I'd like to propose a very simple solution in the meantime: an order:comment metatag, that would sort by most recent comment date. This would at least allow people to see which posts they're interested in have new comments. Implementing it would require no new interface changes, and I imagine it wouldn't be that taxing on the servers (unless there's some weird database issue I don't know about).
Thoughts? Would this be more difficult than it sounds?
Soljashy said: Just curious... What would you use this for that cannot be done through searching translated or annotated?
A tag search subset of the Notes index.
Searching for those tags gets you the results in descending order of post ID. An order:note metatag would get you results in descending order of note added/modified date (and include results regardless of tagging). Recent notes != recent posts with notes. If you want to track changes, a tag search does you no good.
We already have a metatag for tag edits (order:change_desc, which should probably be renamed to something like "order:tag" and "order:tag_desc" if this ever passes), so it would be nice to have matching metatags for note and comment "changes".
(order:change nets you something, but according to the tag histories it isn't strictly the least recently edited posts first...)
Wait, we already have order:change? That needs to be added to the cheat sheet then. And +1 for renaming it to order:tag, as well as reversing it. Why would you ever want to view tag changes in ascending order?
RaisingK said: An order:note metatag would get you results in descending order of note added/modified date (and include results regardless of tagging). Recent notes != recent posts with notes. If you want to track changes, a tag search does you no good.
Oh, right. I was thinking in terms of note count instead of note change date. My bad.
Comment and note ordering would be absolutely killer if combined with personal pools/multiple favourite lists.
At the moment I don't get much out of translating, as I don't have the time to keep up with corrections and comments anymore. If I could make a pool of "posts I have translated" and quickly check for new notes and comments on just those, that would rock. Being able to search the pool of "posts I plan to translate" for already translated posts would also be nice.
The API already seems to provide a has_comments/has_notes which somewhat works. Somewhat limited with what you can do with it though, and it's no order:comment / order:note. Can't be too hard to implement an already existing feature as a metatag :x
Yes, then I wouldn't have to make 90 comment/index.json queries and 40 note/index.json queries everytime I wanted to see my recently commented/translated posts...
Since we already can sort based on change (there's a numeric "change" field in the post API results) and the Note index is like a tagless order:note, it just doesn't seem like it would be hard to implement.
I know I'm taking advantage of a necrobump to repeat myself, but this is frustratingly very want...
Shouldn't we have some kind of sticky thread for albert to check when he actually checks the forum?
There seems to be several broken things that need fixed (I.E Pool deletion not working), and when the actual request for the fix is a buried thread..doesn't really make it easy to find out what needs fixing. There is the trac but, there is quite a lot of easy to fix bugs that have been on it for months/years.
A sticky thread with links to all the threads regarding site problems would be a good idea. Then again, submitting and aggregating bug reports and site enhancements was the trac's job, and Albert isn't even answering his dmails anymore, if Log's and piespy's experiences are anything to go on. What is going on?
I have a feeling that Albert's only interested in minimally maintaining the site until Danbooru2 is out the door, which might explain why the Trac has been such a deadpool lately.
For now, we'd probably be better off submitting feature-requests to Danbooru2's issue-tracker on Github. Or possibly even forking the repo, submitting patches, and then issuing a pull request (he's accepted and merged them before).