Aliasing hand to chin -> hand on own chin.
Reason: A number of the hand_to_* tags were changed to follow a hand_on_own_* pattern, and this should follow.
Similarly, alias hand_on_chin to hand_on_another's_chin.
Updated by ghostrigger
Posted under General
Aliasing hand to chin -> hand on own chin.
Reason: A number of the hand_to_* tags were changed to follow a hand_on_own_* pattern, and this should follow.
Similarly, alias hand_on_chin to hand_on_another's_chin.
Updated by ghostrigger
Nials said:
What if there was an image of a character putting his hand below another char's chin?
I believe that's hand on chin
Hand_on_chin sounds more like you're putting your hand to your own chin. i mean even hellbus who's requesting aliases said hand on own chin instead of hand to own chin.
Shouldn't the use be reversed?
related discussion and history regarding the direction of aliases: forum #69447