
Artist tagging help

Posted under General

Individual said:

Do you mean to rename the arttag or you found the Twitter account first and wanted to create a new tag? Akagi_keita would be fine.
If you wanted to create a tag, we already have keita_(kmfirstday). I just fixed the Twitter URL.

Yes, I found it on twitter and tried to upload his illustration from twitter and tried to create a new tag.
I'm new here, so for next time I will search also with his pixiv account and prevent duplicating the artist.
Thank you very much.

VR-Man said:

GTrans and DeepL gave me "You Lan Ling". You can try that.
Although if you want, you can wait for someone with better Chinese proficiency to help.

Might as well be "Youlanling", the name doesn’t particularly sound like it needs to be split into parts.
E: see above too