
Sources and uploading

Posted under General

lkjh098 said:

It seems like this could be automated for uploads using the bookmarklet, since it has the URL of the containing page at the time of upload.

Tumblr links would be wrong if you open an image from your dashboard or a reblog.

It would also point to
instead of

Though this could be automated.

Discovered something interesting about Nico Seiga pictures. The tag parser CAN find the artist name as it does with Pixiv, but you need to include both of the */user/illust/### and */user/illust/###?target=illust_all links in the Artist page for it to be able to do so. Many artists only have the */user/illust/###?target=illust_all link for their Nico Seiga URL.

Fortunately, updating this is as easy as copy-pasting information that's already there.

Based on this discovery, I have started updating certain artists' pages to make tagging their NicoSeiga art easier.

Kikimaru said:

DeviantArt have changed their direct image links again :/

I updated it to handle the new formats.

Log said:

I wouldn't update more, that's probably just an issue with the parser that can be fixed in danbooru's code.

Yeah that's a known bug: issue #2319

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