
Evillious Chronicles' characters

Posted under General

Hey guys, I was thinking, due the Evillious Chronicles (Akuno-P's series) is so complex and usually the same Vocaloid has different roles or characters in the different songs... Don't you think we should add the tags for the individual roles?

You know:
Eve_Moonlit (Miku in Moolit Bear and the Original Sin series)
Riliane_Lucifen_d'Autriche (Rin in "Story of Evil")

...and such

Updated by jxh2154

Sorry for bring back this old topic, but as someone (apparently moderator) has begun to create individual tags for the characters from this series (Ex: Gallerian_Marlon, Allen_Avadonia), I think it's a good idea discuss about this for keep the whole organization.

For example, I noticed that we should add some tag implications for characters. Gallerian_Marlon -> Kaito, Evillious_Nendaiki