
Various food implications and aliases

Posted under General

I compiled a bunch of what I think are implications and aliases after going through the Tag Group:Food Tags section for the last couple of days. If the implications/aliases already exist, I apologize for the laziness. I just didn't want to go through ALL of them just to figure that out.


beer -> alcohol
sake -> alcohol
whiskey -> alcohol
wine -> alcohol

apple core -> apple
apple peel -> apple
candy apple -> apple
golden apple -> apple
green apple -> apple

banana boat -> banana
banana peel -> banana
banana popsicle -> banana
chocolate banana -> banana
gel banana -> banana
girl on banana -> banana

blueberry -> berries
raspberry -> berries
strawberry -> berries

baguette -> bread
bread crust -> bread
bread eating contest -> bread
melon bread -> bread
toast -> bread

gumballs -> bubblegum

baumkuchen -> cake
birthday cake -> cake
cheesecake -> cake
chocolate cake -> cake
cupcake -> cake
mont blanc (food) -> cake
slice of cake -> cake
strawberry shortcake -> cake
swiss roll -> cake
tiered cake -> cake
tiramisu -> cake
wedding cake -> cake

candy cane -> candy
chitose ame -> candy
chupa chups -> candy
creme egg -> candy
jelly bean -> candy
konpeitou -> candy
lollipop -> candy
m&m’s -> candy
nerunerunerune -> candy
shaped lollipop -> candy
sprinkles -> candy
swirl lollipop -> candy

smoked cheese -> cheese
swiss cheese -> cheese

bugles -> chips
doritos -> chips
potato chips -> chips

apollo chocolate -> chocolate
chocolate cake -> chocolate
chocolate heart -> chocolate
kinoko yama -> chocolate
takenoto no sato -> chocolate
white chocolate -> chocolate

canned coffee -> coffee
coffee beans -> coffee
georgia max coffee -> coffee
latte art -> coffee
starbucks -> coffee

checkerboard cookie -> cookie
gingerbread house -> cookie
gingerbread man -> cookie
kitkat -> cookie
oreo -> cookie
pocky -> cookie
wafer -> cookie

senbei -> cracker

whipped cream -> cream

pickle -> cucumber

butter knife -> cutlery
fork -> cutlery
spoon -> cutlery
spork -> cutlery

plate -> dishes
saucer -> dishes
sakazuki -> dishes

cocktail glass -> drinking glass
cupping glass -> drinking glass
shot glass -> drinking glass
wine glass -> drinking glass
drinking glass -> glass

egg laying -> egg
egg yolk -> egg
eggshell -> egg
fried egg -> egg
hardboiled egg -> egg
sunny side up egg -> egg
tamagokake gohan -> egg

force feeding -> feeding
pov feeding -> feeding

fish bone -> fish

milk mustache -> food on face
rice on face -> food on face

shichirin -> grill

parfait -> ice cream

lemonade -> juice
orange juice -> juice

butter knife -> knife
cleaver -> knife

shaped lollipop -> lollipop
swirl lollipop -> lollipop

breakfast -> meal
feast -> meal
dinner -> meal
lunch -> meal
obentou -> meal

cup ramen -> noodles
jirou -> noodles
kitsune udon -> noodles
ramen -> noodles
soba -> noodles
soumen -> noodles
spaghetti -> noodles
udon -> noodles
yakisoba -> noodles
yakisobapan -> noodles

onion rings -> onion

chocolate cornet -> pastry
cream puff -> pastry
macaron -> pasty

potato chips -> potato

decantering -> pouring

cup ramen -> ramen
jirou -> ramen

curry rice -> rice
fried rice -> rice
omurice -> rice
onigiri -> rice
rice on face -> rice
rice paddy -> rice
rice porridge -> rice
risotto -> rice
tamagokake gohan -> rice

shrimp tempura -> shrimp

black spaghetti -> spaghetti

rice spoon -> spoon

sugar cube -> sugar

yakiimo -> sweet potato

tiered tray -> tray


milk mustache -> milk moustache
Reason: Alternate spellings.

wedding cake -> tiered cake
Reason: Wedding cake is a specific type of tiered cake, but not all tiered cakes have to be for weddings.

whip cream -> whipped cream
Reason: Whipped cream is more established as a tag.

Updated by Hillside Moose

*_core -> * and *_peel -> * were discussed and rejected before, last I remember. Might have changed since then, though. Also, berry's usage in biology differs from where it appears in language. Might need to put some more though into what danbooru will consider a berry vs a regular fruit.

You should really go through this entire list and compare the visuals of the two tags. omurice is visually nothing like rice in many depictions. This is very likely true for at least 10% of of this list.

If you want to verify if the implications are in place or not rather than searching what you want to implicate search the more broad tag (say, cake) and remove all the ones that already point to the broader tag.

Log said:
You should really go through this entire list and compare the visuals of the two tags. omurice is visually nothing like rice in many depictions. This is very likely true for at least 10% of of this list.

Yeah, the same for onion rings vs. onions. Also gel banana to banana is questionable. Would you tag banana on post #1117434?

And if you want to implicate pickle to cucumber, then you might as well implicate raisin to grape. Sure you'll be technically correct but it doesn't make a lot of sense tagwise.

girl_on_banana ... What. Why is this even a tag. Most of the pictures in this don't even feature actual bananas, but inflatable or plush ones. Make a toy_banana tag and it'll be pretty much the same images.

BUR #4023 has been rejected.

create implication candy_apple -> apple
create implication golden_apple -> apple
create implication green_apple -> apple
create implication chocolate_banana -> banana
create implication toast -> bread
create implication strawberry_shortcake -> cake
create implication wedding_cake -> cake
create implication whipped_cream -> cream
create implication fried_egg -> egg
create implication hardboiled_egg -> egg
create implication sunny_side_up_egg -> egg
create implication orange_juice -> juice
create implication butter_knife -> knife
create implication cleaver -> knife
create implication fried_rice -> rice
create implication black_spaghetti -> spaghetti

Bumping because many of these food tag requests are still valid. I was looking to make toast implicate bread, but stumbled across this making sure it wasn't requested already. Since this topic is outdated I decided to take check through the list and make cuts and notes. I'll go ahead and request the more obvious ones.

edit: removed rice spoon


Here's the full list. I removed outdated and unused tags and replaced them. I also removed any implications that have been created since this request was made.

The banana boat, creme egg, coffee beans, potato chips and anything -> berries implications were also removed because I'm pretty confident they're wrong, plus the implications already criticized in this topic's replies.

Some of these tags are brands, which I removed (besides Pocky). Even though Chupa Chups set precedent for a food brand implying a food tag, that's probably a discussion for later. These include m&m's, nerunerunerune, bugles, doritos, georgia coffee, georgia max coffee, kitkat, oreo, and starbucks.


banana boat -> banana
banana popsicle -> banana

bread crust -> bread
bread eating race -> bread (debatable)

baumkuchen -> cake (or food)
cheesecake -> cake (debatable)
cupcake -> cake (debatable)
layered cake -> cake (I tried to put this in my first batch request, but it needs a wiki page)
mont blanc (food) -> cake (description describes as "cupcake or tart")
tiramisu -> cake (or food)

sprinkles -> candy (or food?)

apollo chocolate -> chocolate (and maybe food)
chocolate cake -> chocolate (debatable)
kinoko no yama -> chocolate (or food) (and maybe cookies)
takenoko no sato (food) -> chocolate (or food)

canned coffee -> coffee
latte art -> coffee

gingerbread house/man/etc. -> cookie
pocky -> cookie
wafer -> cookie (description describes it as a biscuit)

senbei -> cracker

butter knife -> cutlery
fork -> cutlery
spoon -> cutlery
spork -> cutlery

plate -> dishes
saucer -> dishes
sakazuki -> dishes
(description for dishes is vague so I don't know if they would fit)

cupping glass -> drinking glass (or wine glass)
drinking glass -> glass (debatable)

egg laying -> egg (debatable)
egg yolk -> egg
eggshell -> egg (debatable)
tamagokake gohan -> egg (or food)

fish bone -> fish (debatable)

milk mustache -> food on face

parfait -> ice cream (or food)

lemonade -> juice

breakfast -> meal
feast -> meal
dinner -> meal
lunch -> meal
obentou -> meal

kitsune udon -> noodles
soumen -> noodles
spaghetti -> noodles
udon -> noodles
yakisoba -> noodles
yakisobapan -> noodles

chocolate cornet -> pastry
cream puff -> pastry
macaron -> pastry (referred to as pastry in description)

decantering -> pouring

cup ramen -> ramen (or noodles or food)
jirou (ramen) -> ramen (or noodles or food)

onigiri -> rice
rice paddy -> rice (not much overlap)
rice porridge -> rice
risotto -> rice
tamagokake gohan -> rice (or food)

sugar cube -> sugar (strangely, these two tags seem to have no overlap)

tiered tray -> tray

A rice spoon isn't really a spoon. It's closer to a spatula if anything (but shouldn't imply that either).

and the stuff in the quote above is full of dodgy things. Like the cup ramen (where the noodles themselves are often not visible) or the bread race thing (which is used in images that parody this race by having the bread replaced with something else), or those implications to meal (especially the "obentou" one...) or flooding "cookie" with pocky pictures... I could go on.