Don't let go, don't let go, don't you dare let go!Use the gripping ripple!Don't let go!Don't let go...Hurry up and move.You aren't doing yourself any favors here .Darrgh! Don't let goooooo! Don't let go!I'm at my limit!...Hey, how long are you going to stay like this?I can't lift a single finger...About the switch I pushed?O-oh no! The oil is making my hand slip!You use it! Dumbass!Hey, I told you to not let go!Don't let go!Don't let go, Don't let go!Don't let go......No good.Gripping ripple~♡You're seriously not mad?Stop being an idiot and get off of me.Don't let go!You're heavy, you stupid mammoth...Caesar.About what?