Why are they not utterly shocked that he was killed due to an enemy destroyer in his anus...
He's only human. I mean, its such a big problem that the London Fire Brigade actually put out a public service announcement about not sticking your penis into a toaster.
He's only human. I mean, its such a big problem that the London Fire Brigade actually put out a public service announcement about not sticking your penis into a toaster.
Why...Big trouble!!It's because...I wonder what happened?How did this happen...Admiral has died.*shocked*Too late for him.To think he took it this far...We've got big trouble, Onee-sama.*spit*And then there's an urgent message saying that a replacement is immediately needed...It can't be.What's all this out of the azure? The normal Japanese phrase is "Yabu kara bou ni" (藪から棒に, "a stick poking out of the bush"), meaning "point-blank" or "out of the blue", but she uses the English word "stick" instead of "bou".Apparently an enemy destroyer was stuck in his anus. Did the naval base get attacked?