Dodé, C. et al. (2005). Kallmann Syndrome: Mutations in the Genes Encoding Prokineticin-2 and Prokineticin Receptor-2. PLoS Genetics, preprint(2006), p.e175.
Also, generally speaking, East Asians are more neotenous (physically child-like) compared to Europeans. Reduced muscle-growth, proportionally larger heads (and shorter legs), reduced numbers of apocrine sweat glands, smaller breasts, etc. Ashley Montagu (basically the definitive expert on anthropology, if somewhat dated) summed it up pretty succinctly in An introduction to physical anthropology (revised 2nd edition, 1951). He did use the older deprecated term though (Mongoloids).
Some of the differences can be linked to a mutation in the EDAR gene. Researchers managed to induce some of the differences in mice by fiddling around with the same gene (creating, as most infamously referred to, 'Asian' mice).
Kamberov, Y. et al.(2013). Modeling Recent Human Evolution in Mice by Expression of a Selected EDAR Variant. Cell, 152(4), pp.691-702.
TeaTeaWho's the granny?I've already eaten it, a while ago Hey, grannies, is the food ready?Launched 1912Launched 1922Launched 1925Tea