DaBigCheese said: Why did she drop her pistol ? no ammo ? or just need more firepower ?
My meager Japanese comprehension fails me, but whatever Tewi said in the previous entry brought to mind all the stunts she's pulled on Reisen in the past. So, William Tewi here probably has a legitimate reason to fear for her life now...
Remind me of a certain guy who pulls pan/baseball bat/sun/etc. out from behind his back .
Why did she drop her pistol ? no ammo ? or just need more firepower ?
Yes , looking forward to see this finished .
Comedic bait-and-switch: Reisen dropping her pistol can be interpreted as her having second thoughts and not shooting Tewi after all (cue the latter's excited/relieved reaction), only for her to pull the shotgun.
Reisen...?This won't miss.Reisen!Tewi? I'm sorry...Are you going to miss me!?Whew! Thank goodness you understood! Now, just untie these ropes, and......but don't worry, okay?CLAK