Tenebrous over 14 years ago [hidden] Rather than a title page for the whole pool, maybe this is an intermission before a new chapter? Well, I can hope.Also, inappropriate use of 5girls? *wink* 2 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
Mysterio006 over 14 years ago [hidden] Tenebrous said:Rather than a title page for the whole pool, maybe this is an intermission before a new chapter?I haven't thought of it that way, that'd be nice wouldn't it? Also, you may be right, it should've been 4girls, haha. 1 Reply Copy ID Copy Link
MisterSolitaire over 14 years ago [hidden] Mysterio006 said:I haven't thought of it that way, that'd be nice wouldn't it? Also, you may be right, it should've been 4girls, haha.Minoriko and Shizuha said:Geez, stop with that joke. It's getting a little creepy... 0 Reply Copy ID Copy Link