Majo no Tabitabi (魔女の旅々) is a light-novel series written by Shiraishi Jougi, and illustrated by Azuru (print version), Miya (Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing version), and Nigatsumikka (manga version).
An anime adaptation aired in Fall 2020 by Studio C2C, with Uchio Kazumasa as the concept designer.
English Title: Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina
Riviere to Inori no Kuni/Inori no Kuni no Riviere
Majo no Tabitabi Gakuen
The following tags implicate this tag: inori_no_kuni_no_riviere, majo_no_tabitabi_gakuen, and riviere_to_inori_no_kuni (learn more).