
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

blindVigil said:

I became a Builder on 2020-09-13, you can see this in my User Feedback. Checking my post change history, at that time I had made about 600 edits since first making my account, and had made about 300 forum posts, the very first of which was in January of that year. So, it took me about 9 months from when I began seriously contributing, but it was 9 months of barely doing anything, and my early forum participation really didn't leave the best impressions. It was really just a handful of tag edits and forum comments a day, and suddenly I was Builder. The bulk of my contributions came after. Even now, I just fix a few tags here and there when I feel like it.

Tag clean-up is not competitive at all, because you can probably go to the front page right now and find several overlooked misstags. Pick any tag you like and just skim through it, and you'll find dozens upon dozens of posts that shouldn't be there. Every single tag is a mess, and there aren't enough people to clean it up, and too many people helping the mess grow.

9 months is still a pretty long time not to be able to see content I'd be able to right now if I could pay for a gold membership, content plenty of other sites allow regular users to view. It's quite upsetting that I should have to go to that extent, do that much work for such a long time just to be able to see content I'd have been able to see immediately had I made my account just a few months ago. I can try to make tons of contributions but I was just requesting the ability just to view the content in the meantime while the site works on fixing its payment processing system, and starting now I'll probably not become builder before that gets fixed anyway, so I might as well just give up and wait.

I understand you're trying to help, thanks for doing so and I apologize for the degree to which I'm being combative. Though I shouldn't be nearly this upset over an issue I only first encountered yesterday, I'm still finding it rather frustrating.

MidnightTalons said:

Somebody's down bad /s

In all seriousness though, I'm in the same boat. I sent a message to support but no word back yet. Let's just remain patient while they figure it out. We'll be able to upgrade eventually.

I want to be able to use more than 2 tags because it drives me insane the few times where i've tried to find something specific and couldn't narrow the results further like it doesn't happen often, but when it does it sucks not being able to be more specific

Status: metatag is free, that is, it does not count against the tag limit of free/Gold accounts. Other free tags can be seen in help:cheatsheet's section "Free metatags". You can also use Settings>Advanced>Show deleted posts to permanently allow deleted posts to appear in searches without having to use the status: metatag.

I feel like the site owners should at least take down the "UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT" banner on the top of the site while it's off, I've wanted to get gold for a bit now and I got baited into thinking it was back lol

VoidlessSeven7 said:

Gumroad allows NSFW things to be sold, plus generates tokens for verification with their API.

Please look into Gumroad

They uses Stripe on the back end. They are the ones that pulled the plug on us.

Ketamine.05 said:

I feel like the site owners should at least take down the "UPGRADE YOUR ACCOUNT" banner on the top of the site while it's off, I've wanted to get gold for a bit now and I got baited into thinking it was back lol

I agree with this, it's the least that could be done in the situation. Then bring it back when it's actually available again.

Grayson_Conagher said:

Hope this all gets sorted soon, was happy to support soon as I saw it was a one time fee.

same. I'd love to be able to search more tags, i consider this one of the superior boorus since Sankaku has way too much filler & Gelbooru images take forever to load...

Can we have a temporary payment method before the issue is resolved?
For example, payment to a specific PayPal account with our email address in note.

I know it's a lot of work, but I've been waiting for months and I really want to get a gold account...

Not-Applicable said:

Can we have a temporary payment method before the issue is resolved?
For example, payment to a specific PayPal account with our email address in note.

If PayPal or something like that was an option, there would already be a way to pay via PayPal. Sorry.

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