๐ŸŽ‰ Happy 19th Birthday to Danbooru! ๐ŸŽ‰

Some tags that can't be accesed

Posted under General

But if there's still some of my images that don't satisfied for some of you, please tell me & I will deleted it myself if I can.

You can't delete images. If it's not good enough, then it just won't go up and will be deleted automatically.

Also remember that the approval process takes time, so it might take a day or so for them to go up.

OmniCrest said:
- Are Images that taken from Sagubooru, Akibakko, Gelbooru, etc. that can be said as a copied version sites of Danbooru was permitted to be uploaded ?

Yes. But if you upload a post that already exists in the Danbooru database, it won't get replaced. The uploader of the post won't suddenly change to you.

- Am I allowed to post Hentai Doujinshi that more from 50 pages ?

It better be damned good if you're posting 50 pages. I'm talking Hanaharu or Yukimi quality level. In your case, no, I would not do this. Post the covers and ask if anyone wants to see the rest.

- How about some Super heroes like : Kamen Rider, power Rangers, Transformers images ?

In general, no, unless the image is strange or quirky enough to be of interest to non-fans.

- For Privileged members they are not allowed to post images like Furry, gay, guro, & poorly drawn art to here.

It's not that they're not allowed, it's just that if they do it constantly they'll be blocked from uploading any more.

So is this also occured to non-privileged member like me ?. If so, this means Yuri/Yaoi was not permitted ?, For Guro: I don't know what it means, can you tell me so I don't make a mistake ? , Poorly drawn art... is that means Fanart or a not good looking images was not permitted to be posted on here ?

Yuri is permitted. Stuff like yaoi is permitted if you upload less than 5 posts a day. Guro means disgusting stuff like girls getting their bodies mutilated. Poorly drawn art means bad compression, very bad sense of body proportions, bad perspective, bad shading, etc.

kristallimeri said: The 'gay' bit confuses me a bit too, but I assume that it only concerns yaoi and not yuri. Don't take my word for it, though.

If yuri wasn't allowed, danbooru would be a much less interesting place =P

Anyway, yuri is *most* certainly allowed. Just do a nanoha + fate search.

Oh, and in general I'm not a fan of uploading whole doujins to Danbooru. I feel like there are much better sites for that kind of thing.

wanchan said: Although.. danbooru's notes system could be a good way to do collaborative 'softsub' translations of doujin (and manga).

Very much so, but the problem is we can't save the notes with the images (on our hdds I mean), and Danbooru isn't the best format for reading a doujin, though pools help a little there.

Before I start uploading, I just want to know is this artist's name on the upload option is really necessary to be filled ?, B'cuz I really don't know who is the artist's of most my images.

About Tag: If I missed some category, can it be changed ?

Thank You if anyone can help me again.

OmniCrest said:
Before I start uploading, I just want to know is this artist's name on the upload option is really necessary to be filled ?, B'cuz I really don't know who is the artist's of most my images.

Not required, just preferred.

About Tag: If I missed some category, can it be changed ?

Yes. Press Edit, which is left of any image, right under Options. However, you can only edit images that you can see, i.e. images that are Safe.

cheese said:
What determines the number of invites users can give out? I have 3 invites but I'm not sure how I got them.

rq grants additional invites to all privileged users when he sees fit to do so. It doesn't happen very often so use them wisely!

EDIT: o hay this topic has more than 1 page

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