
Post no aproved, 3 days ago

Posted under General

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This is my first post on the forum, sorry if this is not where I should post it.
I update a image in the post asigned 6822234. 3 days a go there are not approved in this 3 days.

In the red message read: "It has been reviewed by 12 approvers. 12 did not like the post enough to approve it." But in the score show 21 positive.

What will happen in that situation?
Kind regards.

Updated by Unbreakable

The score has little to do with whether a post will get approved or not. A post can have >100+ positive scores within 3 days and still not get approved. It happens.

"What will happen in that situation?" Well your unapproved posts will simply be hidden from view unless you explicitly search for status:deleted or you enable "Show deleted posts" in your settings. For more information, read wiki #10926.

Also, when discussing a post in the forums, be sure to add "post #" before the number. For example:
post #6822234
This will automatically create a link to the post so it's easier to navigate to. Same idea for forum threads and wikis, which was already demonstrated in the two posts above mine.