
I need a privileged account to search multiple tags now?

Posted under General

Hmm, people are sounding just like they did before Danbooru closed it's doors to the public completely. People need to learn to put up with things that will probably end up resolved one way or another in the end anyway. Unless you like not having any access at all.

If you read the tracker, the recent search listing was completely removed, and color coding and multiple tag searching were disabled for regular members this morning. I can only imagine this is due to increased strain on the servers due to the influx of new users. It makes sense really, all three of those functions require extra DB query, and database access doesn't scale as well as serving static web pages.

Maybe the tag categories could be cached somehow? That would at least allow the color coding to be re-enabled without putting further strain on the DB.

EclipseSin said:
It's been operational. I haven't had any problems with it for god knows how long before it closed, and no problems with it after after it was re-opened either. I've had to click the refresh button once or twice, but i do that on most sites. it's normal. I don't expect instant response from the internet, servers don't run that fast if their aren't a number of mirrors holding the same files/information.

Because obviously you are privy to the bandwidth and serverloads, amirite?

You have no idea how well Danbooru is scaling with the increased userbase, so stop acting like you do.

And Fencedude, if that's "flipping the hell out", then, you really haven't seen anyone truely get mad... Just cause there is cursing, doesn't mean I am flipping out. I would have used caps if I was flipping out. Go crawl back under your rock.

lol...I find this statement amusing.

Also, judging by your account, you're a leech. Contribute to the site if you want a say in how things are done or want more privileges.

That's why firefox is nice, tabbed browsing. I can keep an eye on this thread and google at the same time. I thought that would be easy to figure out.

Secondly, I may not upload anything, but I fix tags and ratings. I don't think genital should be listed under "Safe" sorry for not providing pictures, and clicking the next button a shit load of times and fixing peoples screw-ups and/or accidents instead.

And finally, yea, I do, it's working fine for me, I just stated it works fine. You quoted it, but you did not read it?

Edit: Reporting me for stating the thoughts of probably hundreds+ members, wow. Lame lol.


EclipseSin said:
And finally, yea, I do, it's working fine for me, I just stated it works fine. You quoted it, but you did not read it?

Could it perhaps be that limiting more features to priviledged users is WHY Danbooru continues to mostly function smoothly despite the growing userbase? Yeah, I'd like to be able to do multi-tag searches, but whatever. I'll just stick around make what I hope are worthwhile contributions. If I get my account upgraded, great. If not, oh well. A partially crippled Danbooru is better than no Danbooru.

Meanwhile you can use Google, LOL. And I'm waiting for that Danbooru clone of your own that would be so much better than this.

I never said definite, I said probably. Does nobody read anymore? And really, a crippled danbooru is just as good as any of the other -booru that runs slower. Navigating on a single tag is like searching google/yahoo/msn/ect for "a" when you're looking for "apple".

And, I already agreed that I understand the server issues, but you are failing to see it was working fine with multiple tags, and it remove the reason for having an account aside from uploading and editing privileges. I was content without explicit content showing without being a privileged member, but multiple tags is essential to navigation. It's one of the main properties of danbooru, and taking it away, it's a google/yahoo just for images, only constrained to a single tag (i.e. Lucky_Star, or on google, lucky star) instead of being able to refine the search (i.e. lucky_star wallpaper, or on google, lucky star wallpapers). Do you get what I mean?

Multiple tagging is essential to danbooru's existence, taking it away is like writing without a pen, pencil, ect.

I only found this place pretty recently, and yes, I really did like the multi tag search, and I'd love a compromise. But, if this is what it takes to keep it running smooth, I say it's a move for the better. Just gives people more motivation to contribute and become privileged members, I suppose. (And this is coming from a non-privileged member, mind you. So it's not that it doesn't hinder me)

I say the owner of the site made the right choice, in this case. I mean the new members all came here recently, and really, they shouldn't be a burden to the people who have been here since the site started. If this is what it takes... I'm with it. (admittedly reluctantly.) But I still think it's better than say google or yahoo, simply because this site has a more specific type of content submitted. A search for Lucky star wallpaper on google would bring up a lot of stuff you need, but a whole lot more you don't. It's probably still easier to just type "lucky_star" here, and just wade through and find one to use as a wallpaper.

But... everyone's entitled to their opinion, I guess.

Having done a lot of googling for art before coming to Danbooru (like many of us, I imagine), I'd like to say that I'm certain we get better results still here than on a search engine. Danbooru has quality control/standards, and there are no 404s or reposts when looking for images via Danbooru, so even without multi-tagged posts, Danbooru is still a great resource, far better than most search engines. Well, for searching for anime related things only, of course (not a suggestion Danbooru should expand its theme/purpose).

I already miss multi-tagged searching, but at the same time, if that's necessary, I understand. If the strain really is in especially long chains of keywords in searches, I'd really appreciate being search even just two or three keywords at a time. Though I don't think I've ever searched more than that many anyway.

Searching for simply two would allow for finding wallpapers for certain series, animated gifs of certain characters, parodies involving a given series, certain couples of characters, or a character in a single specific context, and that would be really nice. I know that it's one step beyond the basic functioning of Danbooru, effectively doubling what users could search compared to no multi-tagged searches, but I don't think it's an immense luxury. Then again, I don't have access to the server data.

However, there are some people who do have privledged accounts that, that as far as I can tell don't do anything on the site. Maybe they tag and change ratings; I don't know. Profiles don't keep track of that, and I'm not asking for Danbooru to keep track of it anyway, but it's true that some people don't have more than a couple uploads, no wiki edits, no notes, few comments and forum posts (though I'd rather there be few than many unecessary ones), and a lot of favorites. I know I shouldn't say something like that and not back it up, but I don't really want to point fingers either, especially not knowing if they add tags and/or edit ratings.

But some portion of them are probably leeching, and I can only imagine they happened to have a friend already had a privileged account. I'm glad for them and all, but it does partially defeat the encouragement to contribute to the site. Maybe there should be some bare minimum level of uploads, notes, or wiki edits to be eligible to be invited for a privileged account at all? Note that I say 'or,' not 'and,' since, for instance, people would have a hard time meeting a requirement for notes if they didn't know Japanese. Anyone who already has a privileged account who wouldn't meet the requirement could simply be grandfathered in. I don't know what base line value would be reasonable, admittedly.

The only major problems I can see with that are that it's another thing for Albert to do, and another thing for the servers to do too (and I'm not making light of those either). I wouldn't expect it to be that big a server drain; invites must be much more scarce than searches, after all. The server already keeps track of these statistics, so how bad could it be to check some of them before inviting someone?

A possible lesser issue could be that some people might feel a sense of entitlement for a priviledged account the moment they reach those minimums, but they could just be reminded that they are minimums; it's not like people don't ocassionally come in the forums passive aggressively asking for privledges already. Another minor issue I could for see is people making bad edits, notes and uploads just to try and meet that minimum, but I'd like to hope people have more good sense than that.

If the minimum standard was just on uploads, then it's not like they could do anything too terrible; there's a post limit on normal members and mods do the job of approving uploads already (thanks guys ^^). It's not that hard to find images to contribute to danbooru, either; anyone can do it, you just have to expect to run into reposts.

Gah, I prattled on there; to anyone who bothered reading all that, thank you for your time.

Good ideas, good ideas. It really is frustrating to see someone whom at least seems to be doing so little for the site getting privileges, and I agree that there should be _some_ sort of standard. Though, other than having a friend on the inside, it seems theres at least a loose standard already.

You've been here far longer, done far more posts, uploads, etc. than I have, and you still don't have privileges, so I obviously don't expect to until I've reached at least your stats. And I think the others here would expect the same out of anyone who wants a privileged account.

Like you said, the minimums would probably lead to people "expecting" privileges at a certain level, and a flood of complaints in the long run... It's kind of a tough issue. Meh, I'm sure they'll figure something out.

And again, on the compromise bit, it's not that I don't miss multi-tagging. (believe me, I do.) it's just... I understand the reasons behind the limit, and don't think much good will come of complaining.

Well, in the end, I'm sure everything will be sorted out. It's only been one day so far of the search limit, and it's still a new thing. Perhaps they'll change their mind and give a compromise, perhaps they won't. Only time will tell.


Well, drama aside, all I know is that without multiple tags I can't add the "rating:s" tag which voids the compromise I was previously given on how to view this site in a work safe manner.

Edit: Now that I think about it, limiting normal users to one tag will make normal users more paranoid about contributing because they will have a harder time finding out if what they want to contribute has already been contributed or not. I considered adding more stuff but after this I'm not sure since I can't safely browse on what has already been uploaded.


pluggedbus said:
Edit: Now that I think about it, limiting normal users to one tag will make normal users more paranoid about contributing because they will have a harder time finding out if what they want to contribute has already been contributed or not. I considered adding more stuff but after this I'm not sure since I can't safely browse on what has already been uploaded.

That part shouldn't matter because, as you might recall, Danbooru already checks for duplicates when you upload, so it's not hurting you. It seems from my experience that when you upload a duplicate post that it appends any new tagging you've applied to it in your upload to the image, so that's useful too.

pluggedbus said: Edit: Now that I think about it, limiting normal users to one tag will make normal users more paranoid about contributing because they will have a harder time finding out if what they want to contribute has already been contributed or not.

Duplicates are not a black mark against you, so you don't have to be paranoid.

VGK said:
I've never (In all my Danbooru-ing years) had to use more than 2 tags at one time. I think 2 is a good limit for us non priveledged.

I still think 3 or 4. This originally stemmed from unprivileged maniacs doing too many tags per search. And that puts a lot of strain on the server. I understand. But limiting us to only one tag puts too much strain on the users. Please, albert. Find a happy medium on this.

Thundercross said:
I still think 3 or 4. This originally stemmed from unprivileged maniacs doing too many tags per search. And that puts a lot of strain on the server. I understand. But limiting us to only one tag puts too much strain on the users. Please, albert. Find a happy medium on this.

Three is all you need for total functionality. Needing more than that is an indicator that you're searching incorrectly. If we do go for a medium value, I'm of the opinion that three should be the absolute upper limit and that two is an extremely workable figure. I challenge you to find something that requires more than three tags to find.

uncreative said:
I challenge you to find something that requires more than three tags to find.

Not to rain on your parade, but I have at times used queries with 20+ tags (mostly exclusions) to find some specific pics with generic tag sets. It's fairly rare though.

葉月 said:
Not to rain on your parade, but I have at times used queries with 20+ tags (mostly exclusions) to find some specific pics with generic tag sets. It's fairly rare though.

Did those searches actually *need* 20+ tags, or could you have found those pics with fewer tags and more wading through results? I find that well tagged images are actually fairly easy to find provided you can remember just one less common tag that references it.

I do agree that exclusions are very useful however, and if a query builds up for me, it's probably also due to them. They are also especially useful when it comes to finding images that should have a specific tag, but don't in order to fix them.

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