
Tag Alias: no_mask -> unmasked

Posted under General

reese said:
If there is going to be an alias, it should be unmasked -> mask removed or maybe unmasking -> mask removed for the reasons EB stated.

OK. Let's double check these tags:

  • unmasked, unmasking and mask removed all contain images of people separated from their masks.
  • no mask contains images of people who are usually masked, but are without their masks.
  • The name "no mask" is in line with no glasses, no hat, no horn and others. (because their criteria are basically the same, like "horned character without his horn")
  • The name "mask removed" is in line with glasses removed. (because it's criteria is basically the same, like "people separated from their glasses")
  • However, the tag unmasking has really few posts and could, in the future, become something else, like "the action of removing one's mask".
