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Tag Discussion: samurai helmet and kabuto

Posted under General

I think, for our purposes, retaining the 'samurai helmet' meaning of kabuto is fine.

I didn't know samurai_helmet existed as a separate tag, so we should probably alias it to kabuto unless that doesn't fit for some reason

bumping. i've read the thread links above and it seems there's a little hesitation in aliasing samurai_helmet -> kabuto for there might be other kabuto other than samurai_helmet.

if we are going to keep them separate, what are the distinct visual characteristics to distinguish the samurai helmet from other variants of kabuto?

and even if there are, is it worth keeping them separate or even practical?

i feel the ordinary users searching would hardly distinguish the two and might just settle for kabuto or samurai helmet (for those unfamiliar with the japanese term) for anything the resembles a samurai headpiece.

the eight months grace period is probably long enough to hear the pro and against sides.

i second aliasing the two as suggested before me for simplicity and practicality. thanks.
