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Change log - 10/26

Posted under General

I've removed Recent Favorites from the user profile, and added tag change count back in. I'm pretty sure most of the timeouts are caused by the favorites, but they may come back now that tag changes are being counted.

Updated by Saladofstones

I read this and looked into my profile, coincidentally my tag and note edits were exactly the same number.

I doubt the Favorites are needed to be added again, since I click on the "Favorites" on top most of the time to view them, not much point seeing only 5 of them on my profile page.

lastsinz said:
I doubt the Favorites are needed to be added again, since I click on the "Favorites" on top most of the time to view them, not much point seeing only 5 of them on my profile page.

Speak for yourself. For me seeing my latest 5 favorites was essential - I could clearly see the latest ones I've already added, so I made no mistakes when I go to another pics from my subscriptions which I wanted to fav. Plus I could easily check latest favs from some of other users with similar interest. Not to mention I simply liked to see my current "hall of fame" quick and availaible on my profile.
I feel thoroughly disappointed by "fixing" this bug by brutal removal of recent favourites from user profile. Is this perhaps my reward for tracing it earlier and posting info about it here on this forum? If the answer is yes, then please excuse me while I have to go kick myself in the butt, maybe it will help me to learn today's lesson which says "never ever help with tracing bugs on danbooru - because it will make things only worse"

@richie: Clearly you have no understanding of how the debugging process actually works; actually fixing the "bug" after reproducing it isn't as easy, especially since this "bug" appears to be the result of retrieving the latest favorites, which takes a while for the servers to process. If you really prefer looking at your profile for your latest favorites, why not write a greasemonkey script to embed them there for you?

Big deal; it just means you have to go to a different place to see favs now.

Aristocrat said:
If you really prefer looking at your profile for your latest favorites, why not write a greasemonkey script to embed them there for you?

Actually it's even easier than that, since you can just free up a subscription slot and subscribe to the fav: metatag then pretend nothing has changed.

Hinacle said:
Actually it's even easier than that, since you can just free up a subscription slot and subscribe to the fav: metatag then pretend nothing has changed.

Almost, but the posts would be in ID order. If ordfav:RaisingK ends up being able to show favorites by itself, then maybe you could use that--but tag subscriptions might force ID order anyway, for all I know...

In the meantime, there's a workaround:

Aristocrat said:
If you really prefer looking at your profile for your latest favorites, why not write a greasemonkey script to embed them there for you?

Some people may have trouble with that... But that's already taken care of. Get Miscellaneous Tweaks, stick this code in the middle of the other function calls:

addTagSubscription( "Recent Favorites", true, 48, 5, true, "ordfav:"+login+" fav:"+login, 1 );//Refreshes every 48 hours

And then stick this at the bottom of the script until the next update:

//Reset the favorites subscription everytime a fav is added/removed
if( /\/post\/show/.test(location.href) )
var subName = "tagSub.Recent Favorites_resetTime";
var addLink = document.getElementById("add-to-favs").childNodes[0];
var removeLink = document.getElementById("remove-from-favs").childNodes[0];
function clearResetTime() { GM_deleteValue(subName); }
addLink.addEventListener( "click", clearResetTime, true );
removeLink.addEventListener( "click", clearResetTime, true );

That'll only get you your own favorites, though.


@Rengeki Storm:
Currently we have fav:, fastfav:, ordfav:, and we can also access our favorites from My Account listing, profile, and "Favorites" link at the top when you are viewing posts.

"fav:" and "fastfav:" show favorites ordered by post ID and are basically duplicates, they work exactly the same as far as I can see. "ordfav:" doesn't work by itself at the moment, but you can use it in a combination with fav: or fastfav:, like this fastfav:Rengeki_Storm ordfav:Rengeki_Storm.
The link in My Account list will just lead you to "fav:".
Link in profile page will lead you to "*/favorite?user_id=*" url and will show favorites ordered by date of favoriting. "Favorites" link at the top works same as link in profile.

Btw, yay for the change. Recent favorites in profile weren't all that necessary anyway, at least to me, and now there will be less timeouts which is always good.


I did have trouble an hour or so ago trying to view my profile, but it seems to have gone.

Also, could I make a suggestion for a future update (if that's allowed.)

Could the >> Logout link get placed at the bottom? [http://jigsy.ath.cx/STS/MA.png]

Mainly because I hit Logout by mistake when trying to view My Profile. (And the fact that logout doesn't confirm if you wish to log out or not makes it even more annoying.)

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