

Posted under General

unless someone corrects me, the "charisma fan" seems to be a specific item in touhou and most probably limited to saigyouji yuyuko. while the design itself seems to be called goshoguruma. im no japanese expert and avid touhou fan so i can't confirm.

a quick google search of "御所車" shows ox-cart designs.

and since we're at it, i like to raise these particular posts:

post #1009103 - the design is that of ox-cart but wouldn't people think it's misleading to associate this to saigyouji yuyuko? honestly, i don't mind an alias of this to a more proper and shorter term (whichever the community chooses).
post #998537 - the big wheels with spokes look like something an ox-cart wheel here after searching 御所車 at google. it's not a complete ox-cart, yes, but the design seems closely related to goshoguruma too, according to google.

do these posts fall under yuyuko's fan design too?

EDIT: and it seems saigyouji yuyuko's fan design is not limited to ox-carts like post #570756 and post #1033289.


ghostrigger said:
post #998537 - the big wheels with spokes look like something an ox-cart wheel here after searching 御所車 at google. it's not a complete ox-cart, yes, but the design seems closely related to goshoguruma too, according to google.

This design is called 源氏車 (genjiguruma). Goshoguruma and genjiguruma are the other names of gissha (牛車, Japanese ox cart).
The term "goshoguruma" is also used as the name of one of shijuuhatte.

ghosttrigger said:
while the design itself seems to be called goshoguruma.

Isn't there a thread for these kinds of traditional japanese pattern/designs? I don't think it would be out of the question to just have a separate tag for the design if its common enough. A simple goshoguruma + saigyouji_yuyuko or just touhou search would easily supplement this tag.

Those other images just seem to have simplified versions of the design that exclude the cart for whatever reason. They wouldn't need anything more than folding_fan anyway, since the tag was meant for that specific design.

henmere said:
This design is called 源氏車 (genjiguruma). Goshoguruma and genjiguruma are the other names of gissha (牛車, Japanese ox cart).

thank you very much for the info, i'll try to add the tag and update the wikis. please check if i miss anything. thanks.

Rampardos said:
A simple goshoguruma + saigyouji_yuyuko or just touhou search would easily supplement this tag.

i'm fine with this too. but we might want to keep yuyuko's fan design or saigyouji_yuyuko's_fan_design (forum #68963) and even charisma/tic fan (maybe as aliases) because of familiarity and close association with the said character.

EDIT: now that i looked a little bit deeper, the fan design seems to be a composite motif. aside from the ox-cart, there are the overlapping circles that form a diamond-like pattern and some hexagons. the former i found out is called 七宝(しっぽう, shippou) . the latter is called a variety of names way back in forum #66666, but i kept using hexagon as someone already started it.

apparently, the goshoguruma, shippou_(pattern), and hexagon will be separate tags.

we might want to add these tag aliases too (forum #68963):

yuyuko's_fan_design -> saigyouji_yuyuko's_fan_design
yuyuko's_fan_pattern -> saigyouji_yuyuko's_fan_design
charismatic_fan -> saigyouji_yuyuko's_fan_design
charisma_fan -> saigyouji_yuyuko's_fan_design
