
Tag suggestion: Mature

Posted under General

I would love it if the site can have a tag that defines age difference and body types. A more adult looking character eg. Anime Witchblade VS childish looking characters eg. Pokemon.

Granted I do like the pics posted, but there are times I rather not see kid faces and bodies in such adult situations.

Updated by kankaku

Shintear said:
There are the child and adult tags.
Also, you can choose to blacklist tags like flat_chest and such.
There's also rating:safe, which would filter out anything not safe for work, or -rating:explicit to filter out the explicit stuff.

Ah I see it. Thank you very much. Though, unfortunately for some posters... they can't seem to tell the difference...

I have no problem with explicit stuff either. Just sometimes the characters' appearance seem very underage. 'tis all.

Only child is tagged. (but not as much as it should be)
Note that the tags young, old, teenage and adult are only used for situations in which a character's physical age is changed (adult portrayed as a child and vice versa)

It would be very hard (and subjective) to decide whether an image depicts a teenager or an adult.