Really sad. If anyone wants to know, essentially TL;DR: South Korean Incels on DCinside (SK 4chan equivalent) were pissed the new Ishmael ID wasn't dressed skimpily enough and accused PM of being 'Feminist' (Even though the person who designed the Ishmael ID was male. EDIT: Should've worded this part better, what I meant was that once incels figured out that the artist who designed the new Ishmael ID was male, they shifted towards targeting one of female artists who had prior history related to feminism). Incels went through twitter archives and found one of the artists retweeted some feminist tweets (which incels and trolls edited, took out of context, and spread misinformation about in order to make the artist look worse) from several years ago when they were still a minor that they deleted before working for PM. Incels and trolls took to review bombing the game, which culminated in several people showing up to PM offices and threatening violence. PM under massive pressure, decided to part ways with the artist and officially stated that they were fired for breach of contract. Here's a steam forum post with all the information about the situation (Beware, there's a lot of trolls and incels spreading hate and misinformation in the comments and steam forums, so make sure to know the truth) and a tweet summarizing the situation along with the offical statement by PM (in Korean though) I really don't like how PM had to fire their artist, but at the same time the threat that incels at their office posed was simply too great (Possibly property damage, injury, or even death could've happened), and firing the artist may have been the only way to prevent violence from breaking out. Another edit: Here's a reddit post with more info on what happened and several details I may have missed, more information and context in the comments.
South Korean Incels on DCinside (SK 4chan equivalent) were pissed the new Ishmael ID wasn't dressed skimpily enough and accused PM of being 'Feminist' (Even though the person who designed the Ishmael ID was male).
I just need to point out, a man can be a feminist. Anyone can.