
removing old wikis of aliased tags

Posted under General

i was wondering if it's all right to report in the pointless wikis thread the old/obsolete wiki pages of aliased tags?

i understand moving/keeping the wiki definitions if there are only minor/slight changes (in the tags) like romanization corrections, punctuation additions, longer/complete names/titles etc. there are no drastic changes in the definitions.

however, what if two initially independent tags were aliased and both have their own wikis? are we going to keep both of them or only the mother tag?

one case i can think of as of now is ki and aura.

any advice is welcome. thanks.

Updated by jxh2154

ghostrigger said:

[W]hat if two initially independent tags were aliased and both have their own wikis? are we going to keep both of them or only the mother tag?

My proposal is that the main wiki article featuring all relevant information should be under the mother tag; the aliased tag should (ideally) have a mini-page briefly explaining why the alias was done, if there is any chance of misunderstanding.

Links to related tags and topics would not harm either, since sometimes reading the main article is unnecessary.

Example: The wiki page myon could have the statement, "Aliased to konpaku_youmu_(ghost) per forum #61895," and possibly a very concise summary of that discussion; followed by a "See also" section linking at least to myon0305, myon_(artist) and myon_(phrase).

"Secondary wiki pages" of this kind would save lots of trouble and extra browsing. I am not saying that writing them is a high priority, but that creating them should remain possible and be at least passively encouraged.

A note only needs to be included in the previous tag if there's some point that needs to be clarified. Otherwise, it can be deleted.

And really the explanation can just go under the new tag most of the time. There's a link in the old wiki stating that it was aliased to some other tag. Someone can click that and read the new wiki.