
Buuwa's touhou character relationship chart template

Posted under General

Arist buuwa made a character relationship chart
post #404465
post #663898 (updated)

and created this template with each character's head
post #412281

Anyone with a pixiv account can take those faces, make some lines connecting the characters and post the result as an image response: http://www.pixiv.net/response.php?illust_id=3076581
54 responses currently.

Two of those are uploaded here
post #546607
post #1075972 (pending) "My! Gensoukyou!"
and I really think those have no place on danbooru since they contain no original art whatsoever.
Are there any objections to me flagging the approved one and any of those images that may be uploaded in the future?


S1eth said:
[…] and I really think those have no place on danbooru since they contain no original art whatsoever.


Are there any objections to me flagging the approved one and any of those images that may be uploaded in the future?

None from me.

In case of post #881739 and similar, my opinion is that the original blank_word_bubble post should be uploaded and the image responses deleted if they are not from the original artist. People fill empty speech bubbles on image boards all the time and they add nothing to the image.

post #866375 and similar images such as the pixiv bottle meme and the open hand meme or whatever it's called (on danboour: it's too dangerous to go alone) require artists to create an own work which they merge with the image, so they are OK for me. The original should still be uploaded and the artist of the original should probably be tagged as well on the children.
