
Extra metatags in blacklists

Posted under General

I was just wondering...

is it possible to blacklist properties...

IE: Favorites, score, mpixels, height, width.

I'd like to blacklist smaller images... say things less than 640x480... and then I'd also like to blacklist things in the 3000+ range (although this isn't as much of an issue as there's only a few dozen of that size.)

Or how about bytes/file size?

Updated by jxh2154

EatKodosDaily said:
I was just wondering...

is it possible to blacklist properties...

IE: Favorites, score, mpixels, height, width.

I'd like to blacklist smaller images... say things less than 640x480... and then I'd also like to blacklist things in the 3000+ range (although this isn't as much of an issue as there's only a few dozen of that size.)

Or how about bytes/file size?

you just have to put a dash in front of it. ex: -id:..1000

edit: nm it just messes everything up


Rather than create a new thread on this matter, I'm just going to bump this one.

Anyway, being able to include meta-tags in blacklists would be something I'd really like to see. Take this tag blacklist combination for example:

gentags:1 tagme rating:q

As often is the case, some people out there like to upload explicit content, but fail to tag or rate it properly. This means, in most of these instances, the uploader doesn't give the post any tags, so it gets the single, default tagme tag - and he/she also leaves the rating at the default level: rating:q.

So, because I'm not a person that generally likes explicit content (I have rating:e in my blacklist), the aforementioned tag combination would be a great way to filter-out explicit posts that would evade my blacklist from their lack of tagging and improper ratings - and these are all pretty much caused by lazy uploaders.

Well, that's my use-case for having the ability to include meta-tags in blacklists; this would be so useful if it was implemented.


Well, can you show me an example that would accomplish the same thing without using "gentags:1"? If you're implying using "tagme rating:q", that wouldn't quite work, as I wouldn't want to blacklist all posts tagged with both rating:q and tagme - just the ones that match the scenario I outlined in my previous reply.

In any case, though, my point was just to illustrate a potential use for meta-tag blacklisting.

For people wondering why this is bumped despite having no posts in 2 months, it's because I changed the thread title by request to be more descriptive. And that bumps a thread.

Nothing to see here, move along.