
Comic Cover implication

Posted under Tags

Unbreakable said:

I didn't even know the cover image tag existed.


nonamethanks said:

A lot of these appear to be cover images, not cover pages. Note that cover page is only for the actual page with title & co., while cover image is for the clean version. The tag names are unfortunately almost undistinguishable, so it's understandable that they're constantly mixed together.

I guess the *_cover tags in general will need a cleaning, because novel cover and manga cover both implicate cover page, and they're full of posts that are more suited for cover image. Not sure if cover image is even worth being a tag on it's own when the same results could be covered with cover_page textless.

HeeroWingZero said:


I guess the *_cover tags in general will need a cleaning, because novel cover and manga cover both implicate cover page, and they're full of posts that are more suited for cover image. Not sure if cover image is even worth being a tag on it's own when the same results could be covered with cover_page textless.

Personally I don't think the novel cover and manga cover tags should be used on cover image posts. As the images are not actual novel covers etc., and quite often a cover image is also an internal novel illustration. In fact there are 436 posts with cover_image novel_illustration but only 84 with cover_image novel_cover... and 66 of those 84 are in the first group as well.

Also, there are cases where cover images are not textless - post #1084204 for example.